PARI backed logo

The PARI Brand Guide is a tool for proper work with the PARI brand and understanding its’ DNA

The Brand guide is designed to help you connect with PARI, to see and feel the brand the way its’ creators see it. In this guide you can find an answer to almost all questions you can think of taking into account possible needs for work with the brand and brand identity.

If you have a request that isn't already covered in the guide, our employees can help you. They are the bearers of the brand values and will be your guides to the identity of the PARI brand. Contact your contact manager at PARI.

Main colors:

Pantone 3265 C
RGB: 0 199 177
CMYK: 77 0 42 0

HEX: #00C7B1
Pantone 266 C
RGB: 117 59 189
CMYK: 76 85 0 0

HEX: #753BBD
Pantone 2405 C
RGB: 180 0 145
CMYK: 40 95 0 0

HEX: #B40091
Pantone 382 C
RGB: 189 238 0
CMYK: 37 0 100 0

Pantone 2995 C
RGB: 0 187 255
CMYK: 73 4 0 0